Carpet Cleaning


MicroClean makes its business by the cleanliness of your building. Years of practice have built a trade of capability and reliability. Carpets are of no exception.


Carpet Cleaning

Every now and then means less hassle but more clean. Interim carpet cleaning is a necessary repetition for client health and happiness. Whether it’s the occasional spot treatment or the thorough good job of a good-vacuumed floor, a cleanly floor is noticeable by all.

Carpet freshening

MicroClean, counteracts odor with the toughest of cleaners and if requested, environmentally friendly cleaners that still leave the same smell of freshness and sanitation.

Carpet purity and prevention

A clean carpet must be well maintained and therefore, carpet protection is essential to the life of its durability. Clients will relish in the smell of a dirt-free room because of flooring maintenance. Professionally executed and maintained, MicroClean gets tough jobs done so your building is hygienic and smells sanitary and crisp.

Spot Outs

Extra attention is required to get stubborn spots out. Spot cleaning extends the life of a carpet. Looking like new and smelling like it was just installed, carpet protection is the key to durability.

No job is insurmountable and no job is too tiny, MicorClean wants to partner with you.

Our Clients

MicroClean is trusted by many different businesses in a variety of industries to provide the janitorial services they need to keep their facilities clean and professional. Are you a..